I’m a brand-building voice.
The guy you call when...
You want to get things done. You want to truly connect with an audience. You need a job handled quickly, efficiently, correctly and with that something you can’t describe.
With years of voiceover experience behind me, I am more than an add-on sound, an afterthought or an addition to your campaign. I’ve become a brand-builder – the guy you call when you want your message to truly shine and be automatically understood by your audience.
You know that guy with the booming voice and really big presence, who over-announces Every. Single. Word? I’m not him. I’m the guy people go to when they specifically don’t want that guy. Mine is a voice with relatable tones and connectable qualities that will bring your brand toward greatness. Simple as that.
When we work together, I become part of your team, and I take my job of drawing attention to your product’s message quite seriously. My style may be lighthearted and approachable, but my essence is pure professionalism.

A studio session with me is kind of like hanging with your brother-in-law (you know, the one you actually like), if he had the experience, a Pro Tools based, ISDN connected studio and all this sweet equipment. Maintaining a professional-grade studio is an intrinsic part of our business, as it affords you the highest level of sound quality and delivery.
That’s the business side. The fun side – and just as important – is that the studio is my favorite spot. It’s where I’ve recorded documentaries and shows for the Travel and Discovery Channels, national spots for Burger King, Hertz, Kellogg’s, and T-Mobile. It’s where I get to connect with people in a very personal way.