A studio owner (we’ll call him Rick) for whom I’ve done bit of voice over work called me the other day with what seemed like a common question. He wanted to know if I would be willing to audition for a gig. See, his client was considering voiceover talent for their next campaign, and Rick Read more
voice over
When a project is this much fun to work on, I can’t wait to share it with you. And this one was a blast for a couple of reasons: First of all, I’m a big fan of Planet Nutshell’s work. Their explanatory videos make topics that can often be confusing or intimidating into clear, easy-to-understand Read more
Tired of wasting reams of paper and having just made the move to turn UNnouncer Central into a paperless environment by adding an iPad 2 to the mix, I’ve been on the hunt for a hands-free way to mount the iPad in my voiceover booth. As it turns out, there are lot of options for Read more
Part 1 of this post gave you some background regarding voice over Mastermind Groups and how they can be helpful for voiceover talent. Now we’ll get down to the nuts and bolts: Getting Started How many members will your group have? Four to eight seems to be the most common size. With too many members Read more
As I write this, a soft breeze is rustling the palm fronds, and a small pod of dolphins repeatedly breaks the surface of Blackwater Sound with their dorsal fins. The solitude of this beautiful spot on the bay side of Key Largo has become a favorite weekend escape for my family and me. At the Read more